Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Beauty and the Beast (2017) is a captivating live-action adaptation of Disney’s animated classic, bringing new depth and grandeur to the tale as old as time. Directed by Bill Condon, the film stays faithful to the original 1991 animated feature while adding layers of backstory and new musical numbers that enrich the characters and story.

With stunning visuals, lavish set designs, and memorable performances, this adaptation explores themes of love, sacrifice, and inner beauty with a blend of nostalgia and modern flair.

The story follows Belle (Emma Watson), a book-loving young woman who feels out of place in her small, provincial town. When her father, Maurice (Kevin Kline), is imprisoned in a mysterious castle, Belle offers to take his place.

She finds herself in the company of a cursed prince (Dan Stevens), now transformed into the Beast, and his enchanted servants, who long for the day they’ll return to human form. As Belle and the Beast spend time together, they discover a connection that goes beyond appearances, leading to a love that could break the curse.