Strong Island

Strong Island (2017) is a deeply emotional documentary directed by Yance Ford, telling the heartbreaking and shocking story of the Ford family after the death of Yance’s brother, William Ford Jr., who was shot by a white man. The film explores issues of race, justice, and the cost of silence in American society. Captured from the director’s own perspective, it’s not just a story of grief, but a journey of seeking truth and justice in a world where wounds never fully heal.

Fanpage Post Idea:

“What can we do when justice cannot be found? 📽️ Strong Island is not just a documentary film, it’s a voice of struggle, of losses that can never fully heal. The story of the Ford family, and the unjust death of William Ford Jr., serves as a reminder that even in the darkest moments, we have the right to be heard and acknowledged.

If you’re someone who appreciates deep stories about race, justice, and personal struggles, Strong Island will surely leave a mark on your heart. Share this story so we can all learn and feel more about the important issues the film brings up. 🌍💬

#StrongIsland #Justice #RacialJustice #Family #DocumentaryFilm”

Share a story that truly touches the heart, inviting viewers to engage in a meaningful conversation about justice and society.