Dexter: The Story Behind the Blood-Splatter Suit – Is Dexter a Hero?
Have you ever wondered why Dexter Morgan, the guy who kills bad people, always wears a blood-splatter suit when he goes to work? 🩸 This suit is not just an interesting detail in the show; it’s a symbol of the control and discipline Dexter has to maintain in his life.
When you look at the suit, you might think it’s just a tool to protect him from the blood. But in Dexter’s world, it represents “perfection.” Everything must be done exactly right, with no mistakes. Dexter can’t afford even a single drop of blood out of place.
The question is: Is Dexter a cold-blooded killer, or is he truly seeking justice in his own way? 🤔
Share your thoughts: Do you think Dexter is a hero or a villain?
#Dexter #KillerForTheGreaterGood #GreatTV #TheStoryYouDidntKnow